Petition 1778


Andrew Crosbie, Esq., of Holm, "Unto the Right Honourable, the Lords of Council and Session, The Petition of Kenneth McKenzie, eldest Son and Heir of the deceased John McKenzie of Stickathro, and his Tutors and Curators," 3 Mar 1778 , Scottish Court of Session Digital Archive Project. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Law Library, 2015-2019.

Related Case Materials

Unto the Right Honourable, the Lords of Council and Session, The Petition of Kenneth McKenzie, eldest Son and Heir of the deceased John McKenzie of Stickathro, and his Tutors and Curators


Minutes in the Process 1788


David Ross, Lord Ankerville, 3rd of Inverchasley, "Minutes in the Process At The Instance of Messrs George and Henry Addis, Merchants in London, and others, Creditors of Angus Shaw, Merchant in Inverness; Against The said Angus Shaw and Alexander MacPherson, late Trustee for his Creditors," 17 Jan 1788 , Scottish Court of Session Digital Archive Project. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Law Library, 2015-2019.

Related Case Materials

Minutes in the Process At The Instance of Messrs George and Henry Addis, Merchants in London, and others, Creditors of Angus Shaw, Merchant in Inverness; Against The said Angus Shaw and Alexander MacPherson, late Trustee for his Creditors


Petition 1771


John Douglass, "Unto the Right Honourable, the Lords of Council and Session, The Petition of Alexander Smart, and James Croal and his Curators, principal Tenants in Powburn, and David and John Croals, Subtenants in Haddo of Powburn," 27 Feb 1771 , Scottish Court of Session Digital Archive Project. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Law Library, 2015-2019.

Related Case Materials

Unto the Right Honourable, the Lords of Council and Session, The Petition of Alexander Smart, and James Croal and his Curators, principal Tenants in Powburn, and David and John Croals, Subtenants in Haddo of Powburn


Answers 1769


James Ferguson, 2nd Laird of Pitfour, Lord Pitfour, "Answers for Lord Halkerton, and others; To The Condescendence for James Scott of Brothertown," 16 Dec 1769 , Scottish Court of Session Digital Archive Project. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Law Library, 2015-2019.

Related Case Materials

Condescendence for James Scott for Brothertown

Answers for Lord Halkerton, and others; To The Condescendence for James Scott of Brothertown


Condescendence 1769


Alexander Wight, "Condescendence for James Scott for Brothertown," Dec 1769 , Scottish Court of Session Digital Archive Project. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Law Library, 2015-2019.

Related Case Materials

Condescendence for James Scott for Brothertown

Answers for Lord Halkerton, and others; To The Condescendence for James Scott of Brothertown


Answers 1768


David Graeme, "Answers for Alexander Inglis, Writer in Nairn, Factor appointed by the Lords of Session on the heritable and personal Estate, which belonged to the deceased Alexander Houston, Provost of Fortrose; To The Petition of Mrs. Janet Ray, Relict of the said Alexander Houston, her herself, and in Name of Janet, Katherine, Anne and Alexandrina Houstons, their Daughters," 28 Jul 1768 , Scottish Court of Session Digital Archive Project. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Law Library, 2015-2019.

Related Case Materials

Answers for William Baillie of Rosehall, George Houston Land-Surveyor of the Customs at Inverness, Captain John Houston late of his Majesty's Navy, Hugh Inglis Merchant in Inverness, and Alexander Inglis Sheriff substitute of Nairn, Trustees appointed by the deceased Provost Alexander Houston Merchant in Fortrose, for executing the purposes of a trust-right granted by him, for themselves, and for such other of the trustees as shall concur with the; To The Petition of Mrs. Janet Ray, relict of the said deceased Alexander Houston late Provost of Fortrose, and of Anne and Alexandrina Houstons, their Daughters

Answers for Alexander Inglis, Writer in Nairn, Factor appointed by the Lords of Session on the heritable and personal Estate, which belonged to the deceased Alexander Houston, Provost of Fortrose; To The Petition of Mrs. Janet Ray, Relict of the said Alexander Houston, her herself, and in Name of Janet, Katherine, Anne and Alexandrina Houstons, their Daughters
