Answers 1767


Alexander Lockhart, Lord Covington, "Answers for Colquhoun Grant write to the signet, and James Stewart writer in Doually; to the Petition of Mrs. Helen Stevenson, daughter of the deceast George Stevenson, Esq," 25 Apr 1767 , Scottish Court of Session Digital Archive Project. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Law Library, 2015-2019.

Related Case Materials

Answers for Colquhoun Grant write to the signet, and James Stewart writer in Doually; to the Petition of Mrs. Helen Stevenson, daughter of the deceast George Stevenson, Esq


Answers 1771


, "Answers for Mr. Philip Miller, Oculist in Edinburgh, and for Mary Tremamondo-Angelo, his spouse; to the Petition of Francis Angelo-Tremamondo, Master of the Academy in Edinburgh.," 24 Jan 1771 , Scottish Court of Session Digital Archive Project. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Law Library, 2015-2019.

Related Case Materials

Proof 1783


John Graham, "Proof, referred to in the forgoing Petition. Pursuers Proof, taken by John Graham, Esq; of Greigston, one of the Justices of the Peace for the County of Fife, at St. Andrews, the 10th day of January 1783," 10 Jan 1783 , Scottish Court of Session Digital Archive Project. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Law Library, 2015-2019.

Related Case Materials

Proof, referred to in the forgoing Petition. Pursuers Proof, taken by John Graham, Esq; of Greigston, one of the Justices of the Peace for the County of Fife, at St. Andrews, the 10th day of January 1783
