Associated People

Baillie Charles Gordon
James Gordon
George Gordon
James Gordon
Andrew Grant
William Gray, of Gartcraig
Henry Greig
John Grieve
David Haliday
William Haliday
George Hall
Archibald Hamilton
John Hamilton
Baillie George Hamilton, of Provanhall
John Hamilton, of Dowan
Thomas Harrison
Robert Harrison
Robert Hastie
Thomas Hay Marshall
James Henderson
James Hepburn
Edward Hewitt
Alexander Hill
James Hogg
William Hogg and Son
Thomas Hopkirk
Thomas Hopkirk, of Dalbeth
John Horner
Symon Horner
Alexander Houston
Alexander Houston, of Jordanhill
Andrew Houston, of Jordanhill
Robert Hunter, Esq.
James Hunter, Merchant in Ayr
James Hutchison Jr.
James Hutchison
James Inglis Jr.
Hugh Inglis
David Inglis
Robert Innes
Betty Irvine
William Jamieson Sr.
James Jamieson
Archibald Johnston
William Johnston
Andrew Johnston
Mr. Johnston
David Johnston, 1st of Lathrisk and Bavelaw
Thomas Johnston
David Jones
Gideon Kemloe
James Kempt
Alexander Kennedy
David Kerr
Jacob Khone
John Khone
William Knox
Henry Knox
John Krassaw
John Laing
Robert Laing
William Laird
Gilbert Lang
William Lang
James Haughton Langston
Henry Lethangie
David Liddel
David Lindsay
Mr. Lindsay
Thomas Lindsay
David Linn Jr.
David Loch
Thomas Lombe
James Loudoun
John Love, Senior
John Love, Junior
Walter Low
Walter Lunn
Hugh Macbride
John Maccall
William MacCormick
Duncan MacDougall
Jonah Macewan
David Macfarlane
Dougal Macfarlane
John Macgill
Hugh Mackay
John Mackechnie
John MacKenzie
John MacKenzie
Alexander Mackies
John Mackies
John Mackinlay
William Mackoune
Colin MacLaren
Archibald Maclean
Alexander Macleod
Malcolm Macleod