Document Type Information
Case John Wilson and Others v. James Scott and Others
Author Name William Craig, Lord Craig
Submitted 6 Sep 1792
Marginalia? Yes
Main Document Length (Pages) 19
Appendix Items
Appendix Length (pages)
Repository University of Virginia Law Library (Special Collections)
Container UVALL Box 07


William Craig, Lord Craig, "Information for John Wilsone, James Dickson, William Merrilies, Alexander Buchanan, James Campbell, James Robertson, Matthew Robertson, James Muirhead, James Stewart, and Jame Craig, all Members and Fremen of the Incorporation of Hammermen of Glasgow, Pursuers; against James Scott late Deacon, Thomas Maccash late Collector, James Steven, Robert Ballantyne, William Dunn, Stephen and James Lang, late Masters of the Incorporation of Hammermen in Glasgow, Defenders," 6 Sep 1792 , Scottish Court of Session Digital Archive Project. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Law Library, 2015-2019.

Related Case Materials

Information for John Wilsone, James Dickson, William Merrilies, Alexander Buchanan, James Campbell, James Robertson, Matthew Robertson, James Muirhead, James Stewart, and Jame Craig, all Members and Fremen of the Incorporation of Hammermen of Glasgow, Pursuers; against James Scott late Deacon, Thomas Maccash late Collector, James Steven, Robert Ballantyne, William Dunn, Stephen and James Lang, late Masters of the Incorporation of Hammermen in Glasgow, Defenders

Information for James Scott late Deacon, and others, Members of the Incorporation of Hammermen in the City of Glasgow, for themselves, and in behalf of the City of Glasgow, for themselves, and in behalf of that Corporation, Advocators and Defenders. aginast John Wilson and James Dixon, William Merrilees, John Buchanan, Alexander Buchanan, James M'Gill, James Stewart, and James Craig, thirteen of the Members of said Incorporation, who or some time adhered to the said John Wilson, Pursuer

Note for John Wilsone and others, Pursuers, in the Process at their instance, against James Scott, late Deacon of the Incorporation of Hammermen in Glasgow, and others, Defenders and Advocators

Petition of James Scott, late Deacon; Thomas Maccash, late Collector; James Steven, Robert Ballantyne, William Dun, Stephen Maxwell, William Laing, William Fulton, John Ballantyne, and James Lang, late Masters of the Incorporation of Hammermen in Glasgow