The complainants in this case protested the borough election held in September 1765; the respondents were counsellors of the borough. Each side accused the other of being bribed by Sir John Anstruther or Robert Alexander, contestants for a seat in parliament.

Published Reports

William Morison, The Decisions of the Court of Session (1811), pg. 16769


Leaflet © OpenStreetMap contributors

Session Papers


Answers for Robert Robb, John Brown, and William Boyter, Bailies; Walter Thomson, Treasurer; Alexander Wedderburn, Esq; William Innes, Robert Peattie, Robert Bisset, George Colvill, John Thomson, William Miller, and Patrick Burn, Counsellors of the Borough of Anstruther-Wester for the current year; to the Petition and Complaint of Robert Hunter, Land-surveyor of the Customs at Anstruther, and late Bailie of Anstruther-Wester, William Thomson, Officer of the Customs, and also late Bailie there, Counsellors virtute officii of said Burgh for the current Year, and James Boyter Wright, Burgess of Anstruther-Wester, and a Counsellor of the said Borough last Year

14 Dec 1765
Memorial and Abstract of the Proof

Memorial, and Abstract of the Proof, for Robert Robb, John Brown, and William Boyter, Bailies; Walter Thomson Treasurer; Alexander Wedderburn, Esq; William Innes, Robert Peatie, Robert Bisset, George Colvil, John Thomson, William Millar, and Patrick Burn, Counsellors, elected for the borough of Wester Anstruther at Michaelmas 1765, for the then ensuing year, Respondents, against Robert Hunter and William Thomson, also Counsellors for the said borough of Wester Anstruther for the same year, and James Boyter wright in Dysart, Complainers

27 Sep 1766

Answers for Robert Robb, John Brown, and William Boyter, Baillies; Walter Thomson Treasurer; and Robert Alexander, Esq; George Colvill, Robert Bisset, John Thomson, David Loudon, Alexander Boyter, William Innes, Robert Peattie, William Miller, William Alexander, Esq; and James Hay, Counsellors of the Borough of Anstruther-Wester, elected at Michaelmas 1766; to the Petition and Complaint of Robert Hunter, William Thomson, and James Boyter

14 Jan 1767
Respondents' Case

The Respondents Case

19 Jan 1767