As proprietors of land in Orkney, the pursuers owed defender James, Earl of Morton, annual feu duties that were generally paid in products such as grain, oil, and butter. These duties were measured in the weight units customarily used in Orkney and Shetland, including the Mark, the Lispund, the Meil, and the Last. The pursuers alleged that these units had increased from their original standards and should be adjusted to match their values in Norway, where they originated. Case documents include diagrams of weighing instruments, numerous depositions, and references to many individuals (including some not listed below).
This case involved a Scottish land tenure known as the feu, in which a superior granted perpetual enjoyment of land to a vassal in return for an annual payment known as the feu duty. Patrick Lyon, Earl of Strathmore, feued the estates of Little Blair and Lochend to his factor James Coupar of Coupar Grange in return for a feu duty of £20 Scots. Feu duties on the property were also due to Viscount Stormont, who was Lord of Erection. After being transferred in two judicial sales, Lochblair came to be held by pursuer Captain George Oliphant Kinloch. Kinloch initiated a court proceeding to determine who was liable for the feu duties due to Viscount Stormont, claiming that the duties should be paid the Earl of Strathmore.
Bryce Blair served as factor of the sequestered estates of Crieve and Mossknowe from 1742 until his death in 1762. During that time, he failed to make regular court filings detailing the estate’s accounts. After Blair’s death, the estates were sold in a judicial sale, which raised enough proceeds to provide the heirs of Crieve with a reversion after the relevant debts were paid. This led to a dispute over the amount of the reversion. In particular, the heirs of Crieve disputed certain charges for a minister’s stipend, on the ground that the payments ought to have been made by tenants on the estate. The heirs also contested charges for feu duties to the Marquis of Annandale, contending that there was no proof of payment.