Matthew Simpson |
James Simpson |
Andrew Simpson |
James Simpson |
John Sloss Sr. |
William Sloss |
Alexander Smith |
John Smith |
James Soutar |
Alexander Spalding, of Holme |
Alexander Speirs, Esq., of Elderslie |
William Spence |
James Spottiswood |
John Spreull Jr. |
David Sprot |
Andrew Sprowle |
William Stainforth |
William Stalker |
John Stark |
Thomas Stephen Sr. |
Robert Stephen of Letham |
Robert Stephenson |
Andrew Stephenson |
Stewart |
Archibald Stewart |
Geroge Stewart |
William Stewart |
James Stirling, 11th of Craigbarnet |
William Stirling |
Walter Stirling |
James Stodart |
Mr Strachan |
James Stuart |
James Stuart, Esq. |
Andrew Syme |
John Syme and Son |
William Taylor |
James Taylor |
John Tennent |
Robert Thomson |
Mr. Charles Thomson |
John Thomson |
James Tod |
Cornelius Tod |
William Tod |
Patrick Traill |
Archibald Trotter |
John Tulloch |
George Turnbull Jr. |
Joseph Turner |
Edward Tyson |
John Andrew Utoff Ludson |
George Veitch |
Gavin Waddel |
Meldrum James Walker |
David Walker |
John Walker |
James Walker |
John Wallace |
Thomas Walpole |
Hugh Warden |
Wardrope |
James Watson |
John Watson |
Adam Watson |
James Watson Sr. |
David Webster |
John Webster |
Henry White |
James White |
Gavin White |
Thomas White |
John Whitlock |
George Wilkie |
Alexander Wilkie |
William Wise |
William Wood, Merchant in Ayr |
Robert Wood |
Walter Wood |
James Wood |
William Wood |
John Wood |
John Wood |
William Wood |
John Wright Jr. |
James Yelton |
Thomas Young |
John Young |
John Young |
James Young |
Gavin Young |