Baillie Charles Gordon |
James Gordon |
George Gordon |
James Gordon |
Andrew Grant |
William Gray, of Gartcraig |
Greenshiels |
Henry Greig |
John Grieve |
David Haliday |
William Haliday |
George Hall |
Archibald Hamilton |
John Hamilton |
Baillie George Hamilton, of Provanhall |
John Hamilton, of Dowan |
Thomas Harrison |
Robert Harrison |
Robert Hastie |
Thomas Hay Marshall |
James Henderson |
James Hepburn |
Edward Hewitt |
Alexander Hill |
James Hogg |
William Hogg and Son |
Thomas Hopkirk |
Thomas Hopkirk, of Dalbeth |
John Horner |
Symon Horner |
Alexander Houston |
Alexander Houston, of Jordanhill |
Andrew Houston, of Jordanhill |
Robert Hunter, Esq. |
James Hunter, Merchant in Ayr |
James Hutchison Jr. |
James Hutchison |
James Inglis Jr. |
Hugh Inglis |
David Inglis |
Robert Innes |
Irvine |
Betty Irvine |
William Jamieson Sr. |
James Jamieson |
Archibald Johnston |
William Johnston |
Andrew Johnston |
Mr. Johnston |
David Johnston, 1st of Lathrisk and Bavelaw |
Thomas Johnston |
David Jones |
Gideon Kemloe |
James Kempt |
Alexander Kennedy |
David Kerr |
Jacob Khone |
John Khone |
William Knox |
Henry Knox |
John Krassaw |
John Laing |
Robert Laing |
William Laird |
Gilbert Lang |
William Lang |
James Haughton Langston |
Henry Lethangie |
David Liddel |
David Lindsay |
Mr. Lindsay |
Thomas Lindsay |
David Linn Jr. |
David Loch |
Thomas Lombe |
James Loudoun |
John Love, Senior |
John Love, Junior |
Walter Low |
Walter Lunn |
Hugh Macbride |
John Maccall |
William MacCormick |
Duncan MacDougall |
Jonah Macewan |
David Macfarlane |
Dougal Macfarlane |
John Macgill |
Hugh Mackay |
John Mackechnie |
John MacKenzie |
John MacKenzie |
Alexander Mackies |
John Mackies |
John Mackinlay |
William Mackoune |
Colin MacLaren |
Archibald Maclean |
Alexander Macleod |
Malcolm Macleod |