The documents listed here are part of the Session Papers Collection at the Library of Congress. These documents have not been reassembled into cases. They are presented here as a temporary measure to ensure access. They will be reorganized into cases at a later date. This will not affect individual document citations.

Published Reports


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Session Papers


Answers for Mrs Margaret Ayton, (now Colvill), and for Andrew Blackburn (now Colvill) merchant in Glasgow, her husband, pursuers, to the Petition of Mess. Robert and Peter Colvills, and others, Defenders

13 Nov 1781

Memorial for Mrs Barbara Lowther, Daughter of William Lowther, Esq; of New York, and Relict of the deceased Archibald Maclean, Esq; of Lochbuy, and for William Blackburn of London, Esq; and James Buchan, Writer to the Signet, her Attorneys, Pursuers; against Murdoch Maclean, Esq; of Lochbuy, and the Trustees of the late Archibald Maclean, Esq; of Lochbuy, Defenders

30 Nov 1786

Unto the Right Honourable the Lords of Council and Session, the Petition of John King, Flesher in Glasgow

12 Jul 1786

Answers for John Mason Tenant in Reading, to the Petition of John King Flesher in Glasgow

29 Jul 1786

Unto the Right Honourable the Lords of Council and Session, the Petition of Agnes Miller, Relict of John Sawers, Ironmonger in Glasgow;

7 Aug 1786

Unto the Right Honourable the Lords of Council and Session, the Petition of John Fairlie, Distiller at Dalmuir

8 Aug 1786

Answers for John Galbraith, Smith in Paisley; to the Petition of Agnes Miller, Relict of John Sawers, Ironmonger in Glasgow

23 Sep 1786

Answers for Sagar and Waterhouse, Merchants in Colne; John Hammar and Son; Merchants in Manchester; and James Barron, and Richard Scholes,  likewise Merchants there; and Thomas Buchana, writer in Glasgow, their Attorney; to the Petition of David Anderson, sometime Merchant in Glasgow, now Prisoner there, and Pursuer of a Cessio Bonorum

14 Nov 1786

Unto the Right Honourable the Lords of Council and Session, the Petition of William Craig, Timber-merchant in Glasgow

21 Nov 1786

Answers for James Clyde Corkcutter in Glasgow, Pursuer; to the Petition of William Craig Timber-merchant in Glasgow, Defender

7 Dec 1786

Unto the Right Honourable the Lords of Council and Session, the Petition of John Fairley, some time in Portnaul, now in Dalmuir

16 Feb 1787

Unto the Right Honourable the Lords of Council and Session, the Petition of John Fairley, late Distiller at Portnauld, with the Concurrence of four-fifths of his Creditors, who have produced and proved their Debts in the Sequestration, afterwards to be mentioned, and William Fairley, Farmer at Inchinnan, Trustee for the Creditors of the said John Fairley

5 Feb 1788

Answers or Mess. Cuthberton, Sym, and Sym, Merchants in Glasgow, to the Petition of John Miller, Dyer in Glasgow

24 Apr 1788

Information for John Macewan, Writer in Glasgow, and Daniel Macaulay, Messanger there, Defenders; against Mr Duncan Campbell, Collector of Excise at Glasgow, Pursuer

24 Jun 1788

Information for Andrew and John Sym, Merchants in Glasgow, Trustees for Janet Dougall there, Pursuers; against Mrs Margaret Dougall, and John Dougall, her Son, Defenders

12 Nov 1788

Information for John Dougal, Son of the deceased Captain Lieutenant Thomas Brown-Dougal of the 100th Regiment of Foot, and Mrs Margaret Davidson, now Spouse of George Potter, in Glasgow, his Mother, Defenders; against Messrs Andrew and John Symes, Assignees in trust of Janet Dougal, Residenter in Glasgow, Pursuer

2 Jan 1789

Unto the Right Honourable the Lords of Council and Session, the Petition of John Fairley, late Distiller at Portnauld, with concurrence of William Fairley, Farmer at Inchinnan, Trustee chosen by the Creditors of the said John FAirley, on his sequestrated Estate

13 Jan 1789

Unto the Right Honourable the Lords of Council and Session, the Petition of John Fairley, late Distiller at Portnauld, with concurrence of William Fairley, Farmer at Inchinnan, Trustee chosen by the Creditors of the said John Fairley, on his sequestrated Estate; [Copy 2]

13 Jan 1789

Answers for John Dunn, Farmer at Cochney, to the Petition of John Fairley late Distiller at Pornauld, with Concurrence of William Fairley, Trustee upon his sequestrated Estate. 

21 Jan 1789

Replies for John Fairley, late Distiller at Portnauld, and William Fairley, the Trustee chosen by his Creditors, Petitioners; to the Answers for John Dun, Tenant at Cochney

5 Feb 1789

Duplies for John Dun, Farmer at Cochney, to the Replies of John Fairley, Distiller at Portnald, and William Fairley, Trustee for his Creditors

19 Feb 1789

Unto the Right Honourable the Lords of Council and Session, the Petition of Charles Logan, Merchant in Glasgow

23 Jun 1789

Answers for Walter Aitchison, Spirit-Dealer in Glasgow, Charger; to the Petition of Jams Jackson, Post-Master in Glasgow, Suspender

28 Jul 1789

Unto the Right Honourable the Lords of Council and Session, the Petition of Poor Angus Mun, in Kilsinan of Cowal in Argyleshire

29 Jul 1789

Answers for Janet M'Kendrick, Wife of Archibald M'Funn, Weaver in Calton of Glasgow, and him for his interest, Defenders; to the Petition of Poor Angus Munn, Pursuers

24 Sep 1789

Unto the Right Honourable the Lords of Council and Session, the Petition of James Turnbull, Slater, James Maclauchilan and John Monteith, Masons, and Hugh Craword, Wright, all in Glasgow

22 Jan 1790

Proof in the Process before the Dean of Guild Court of Glasgow. Agnes Brounlie; against James Turnbull, Slater in Glasgow


Unto the Right Honourable the Lords of Council and Session, the Petition of Peter Atherton and Company, Merchants in Glasgow

3 Mar 1790

Unto the Right Honourable the Lords of Council and Session, the Petition of Hugh Morton, Merchant in Newmills

19 May 1790

Unto the Right Honourable the Lords of Council and Session, the Petition of the Right Honourable Basil William Douglas, commonly called Lord Daer, Eldest Son of the RIght Honourable Dunbar Earl of Selkirk

3 Feb 1792

Unto the Right Honourable the Lords of Council and Session, the Petition of James Macgregor and others, Trustees for the Creditors of William Bogle, late Merchant in Glasgow

11 Feb 1791

Answers for John Ballantine Banker in Ayr; to the Petition of James M'Grigor, and others, Trustees for the Creditors of William Bogle, late Merchant in Glasgow

28 Apr 1791

Unto the Right Honourable the Lords of Council and Session, the Petition of William Middleton, some time Weaver in Barn-green, now at Wardmiln-croft of Aberbrothock, Adam Mudie, Taylor at Thimblehall, near Arbroath, and Robert Mylne, Writer in Arbroath;

5 Jul 1791
Account of Expences

Accompt of Expences incurred by John Phillips, Merchant in Glasgow, Defender, in the Process of Declarator at the Instance of the late John Craig, Baker in Glasgow, against him, afterwards insisted by Robrt Criag, his Son

6 Jul 1791
Account of Expences

Accompt of Damages and Expences, John Phillips, Merchant in Glasgow, Pursuer; Against Robert Craig, Son of the deceased John Craig, Baker in Glasgow, Defender

6 Jul 1791

Unto the Right Honourable, the Lords of Council and Session, the Petition of James MacGregor and others, Trustees for the Creditors of Mr William Bogle, late Merchant in Glasxgow

2 Dec 1791

Answers for John Ballantine, Banker in Ayr; to the Petition of James M'Gregor and others, Trustees for the Creditors of William Bogle, late Merchant in Glasgow

12 Apr 1791

Information for John Macausland, Deacon-convener, and James Burns, Colector, for themselves, and in behalf of the other Members of the Convenery or Trades House in the City of Glasgow, Pursuers; against James Montgomery, Visitor of the Incorporation of Maltmen in Glasgow, now Brewer in or near Dundee, John Tennant, Maltman in Glasgow, William Merrilees, late Deacon of the Hammermen, John Cuthbertson, Maltman in Glasgow, James Aiken, Tailor in Glasgow, George Buchanan, Maltman, late Bailie of Glasgow, and William Pinkerton, Maltman in Glasgow, seven of the individual Members of the Trades House; and also against the Magistrates and Town Council of Glasgow, Defenders.

11 Oct 1792

Report to the Fourteen Incorporated Trades of Glasgow, by the Committee of the Trades-House, appointed to conduct the Defence in the Action brought against them at the Instance of James Montgomery, some time Maltman in Glasgow, and others.

1 Nov 1791


20 Jul 1792

Remarks on a Paper, Entitled, Report to the Forteen Incorporated Trades of Glasgow, by the Committee of the Trades-House, appointed to conduct the Defence in the Action brought against them, at the instance of James Montgomerie, some time Maltman in Glasgow, and others.

15 Dec 1792

Unto the Right Honourable the Lords of Council and Session, the Petition of John Macausland, Deacon-Convener, and James Burns, Collector, or themselves, and in behalf of the other Members of the Convenery or Trades-House in the City of Glasgow

29 Jan 1793

Unto the Right Honourable, the Lords of Council and Session, the Petition of John Wylie and Adam Wylie, both Grandsons of the deceased James Wylie, Cordiner in Glasgow, Janet Wylie, Daughter of the said James Wylie, and Relict of the deceased Adam Kirkwood, Bookbinder in Glasgow, and James Kirkwood, Clerk to John Gillespie, Manufacturer in Anderson, her Son; Hugh Mackinlay, Baker in Glasgow, James Mackinlay, Weaver, and Laurence MAckinlay, Glover, Residenters all in Glasgow, Children of the deceased (blank) Mackinlay, Residenter in Glasgow; and of the also deceased Mary Wylie, Daughter of the said deceased James Wylie'

10 Feb 1797

Answers for Hugh Knox, Clerk to Thomas Buchanan, Writer in Glasgow; to the Petition of Robert Anderson and others, Writers in Glasgow, and Members of the Faculty of Procurators there

20 Jun 1797

Report in the Process of Advocation, John Wright, Auctioneer in Glasgow, Advocator, against Hugh Yooll, MAnufacturer in Anderson, near Glasgow, Respondent

4 Apr 1799

Unto the Right Honourable, the Lords of Council and Session, the Petition of David Marshall, shop-keeper in Glasgow

10 Jun 1802

Answers for Moses Gardner, Surgeon in Glasgow; to the Petition of David Marshall, Shop-keeper there

2 Sep 1802

Unto the Right Honourable, the Lords of Council and Session, the Petition of William Scott, Shoemaker in Glasgow, Advocator

14 Jan 1803

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