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Scottish Court of Session Digital Archive
SCOS Archive
The University of Virginia Law Library
UVALL Box 16
UVALL Box 16
Container Information
University of Virginia Law Library (Special Collections)
Container: UVALL Box 16
Alexander Cuming v. Alexander Macdonald, Esq.
Alexander Kinloch and Others v. James Rocheid
Alexander Watson v. John Pyot
Andrew Wauchope and Others v. The Magistrates of Canongate
Armstrong and Son, and Others v. Thomas Moffat and Others
Birnie and Co. v. Weir
Campbell and Others, posterior Adjudgers v. The Common Agent for the Postponed Creditors in the Ranking of the Creditors of Charles Maclean of Kinlochaline
Charles Edmonstone v. William Morehead
Charles Stewart, Writer to the Signet v. Andrew Miller, Depute Clerk to the Bills
Countess Dowager of Glencairn v. William Cunningham Cunningham Graham
Crawfurd's Trustees v. Hart's Relict
Cunningham and Simpson v. Smith
Dick v. Drysdale
Duncan Stewart v. Lieutenant Alexander Graeme
Earl of Aberdeen v. Officers of State
Earl of Galloway v. McHutchon, Selkrig & Others
Earl of Mansfield v. The Duke of Queensberry, and other Heritors of the Parish of Dornock
Gibson and Balfour v. Cheape
Isabel Howie, Martha Buik, and the Kirk-Session of Alyth v. The Kirk-Sessions of Arbroath and St Vigean's
Isabella Clerk, and her Tutor ad litem v. Sir George Clerk, and his Tutor-at-law
James Cheap v. William Morehead [Copy 2]
Jean Colville v. William Lauder
Jean Farquharson v. Alexander Anderson
John Boog and Attorney v. The Common Agent in the Ranking of Margaret Watt's Creditors
John Syme v. Anne Ranaldson Dickson
Johnston v. Home
Kemps v. Ferguson
Ker v. Sir Robert Anstruther and Thomas Smith
Laidlaw v. Elliot
Lindsay and Allan v. John Campbell
Lockhart v. Henderson
Logan and Others v. Reid
Lord Reay v. James Anderson and Others
Macfarlane v. Hoome
Macgregor, and Campbell v. Campbell
Mackie and Others v. The Magistrates and Town Council of Linlithgow, and the Incorporation of Bakers of Edinburgh
Macpherson, etc. v. Hannay
Melville v. Heritors of Leslie
Murray v. McNaught
Ogilvy v. Dawson
Patrick Cunninghame v. The Magistrates and Town-Council of Edinburgh
Petition of Alexander Carre and Archibald Jerdon
Ralston and Lamont v. Lamont
Robert Forsyth v. Hon. Henry Erskine and the Members of the Faculty of Advocates
Rollo v. Irving and Others
Samuel Hawkins, and Others, Personal Creditors of the late John, Earl of Glencairn v. Simon Taylor, and Others, Trustees of William Cunningham Cunningham Graham
Sir Ralph Abercromby v. John Francis Erskine
Sir William Elliot v. George Currie
Solicitor of Tithes v. The Earl and Countess of Fife
Stirlings v. Sir John Stirling of Glorat, Baronet
Susanna Frances Tasker v. Richard Mercer
Tait v. White
The Deans of the Chapel Royal and their Lessees v. Robert Hay and Others, Heritors of the Parish of Ettrick
The Heritors and Kirk-Session of the Parish of Dalmellington v. The Magistrates, Minister and Kirk-Session of Irvine
The Hon James Erskine v. Robert Graham
The Society of Solicitors before the Court of Session, &c v. The Keeper, Commissioners, and Society of Clerks to the Signet
Thomas Leishman v. The Magistrates of Ayr
Thomas Wake and Attorney v. Hillary Bauerman & Son, and Jacob Runke Jacobs
Trail v. Maule
Wemyss v. Heritors of Newburn
William Baxter v. Bell and Maxwell and Others
Yelton and others v. Smith and others