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Scottish Court of Session Digital Archive
SCOS Archive
The University of Virginia Law Library
UVALL Box 58
UVALL Box 58
Container Information
University of Virginia Law Library (Special Collections)
Container: UVALL Box 58
A. Mackinlay and Others v. W. D. Gillon
Agnes Hyslop and Others v. Maxwell's Trustees
Allan Fullerton (Judicial Factor on Dumbarton Glass Work Company) v. Archibald Grahame and Mandatary
Allan Menzies, W.S. v. Ralston Caldwell
Andrew Aitken v. Finlay and Neilson, and Alexander Barlas
Andrew Coventry v. Rev. George Coventry
Campbell v. M'Neill
Christian Stewart v. John Menzies
D. Macra v. T. M'Kenzie
Dinning and Others v. Ferguson
Earl of Stair v. Earl of Stair's Trustees
Gardner v. Macdowall and Others
Geddes v. Lang
George Johnston junior, Esquire v. The Edinburgh and Glasgow Union Canal Company
George Sligo v. Dr Haldane and Others, (of St Mary's College of St Andrew's)
Gordon and Fraser v. Stewart
Gye and Company v. S. J. Hallam
Harry Bain and Others, Feuars in Wick, Provost and Magistrates of Wick, and William Horne v. Lord Duffus
Howden's Trustee v. George Dunlop and Company, and Others
Hunter and Company v. Mitchell and Robertson
J. Johnston and Others v. John Scott
James Barrie v. Andrew Zuill
James Charles Macrae, Esq. v. Mrs Hyndman
James Hamilton v. Miss Margaret Littlejohn
James Lang v. His Creditors
James Martin v. Isabella Brash
James Stewart v. William M'Kenzie and Others
Jessie Darling or Wilson and Others v. James Adamson
John Guthrie v. Mrs Eliza Hardman or Rouget and H. A. Hardman and Others
John Martin and Others, (Trustees for Guardian Assurance Company) v. Archibald Watson Goldie
John Pringle v. Tate and Others (Cleugh's Assignees)
Lachlan Mackintosh v. Affleck Fraser
Lady Ramsay and Others v. Alexander Cowan and Others
M'Lean v. M'Lennan and Morrison
M. Malcolmson and Others v. R. Heddle
Macmillan v. Binnie
Magistrates of Edinburgh v. Walter Horsburgh (Common agent in ranking, &c. Sibbald's Estate)
Miss Euphemia Kerr v. Alexander Cochran
Mrs A. V. S. Torry Anderson v. John Anderson
Mrs Dickson and Others v. John M'Master and Others
Patrick Borthwick, for National Bank v. James Bremner
Reid v. Cameron
Robert M'Laren v. James Ramsay
Saint Ann's Distillery Company v. Douglas's Trustees
Shotton Malcolm and Co., and Mandatary v. Malcolm M'Neill and Trustee
Sir George Warrender v. Honourable Dame Anne Warrender or Boscawen
Sir William Baillie, and Others (Clyne's Trustees) v. Robert Sclater, and Others
Thistle Friendly Society of Aberdeen v. Alexander Garden and William Knox
Viscountess of Strathallan, and Others v. Duke of Northumberland, and Others
Walker's Executors v. Speirs
William Duncan, W.S. v. James Cunningham
William Harvie v. R. Haldane and Bank of Scotland
William Horne v. Marquis of Breadalbane's Trustees and Right Hon. Sir John Sinclair
William Kelly v. James Stuart and Others
William Low (Blincow's Trustee) v. Alexander Allan and Company
William M'Kay v. Hugh Cogan and Others, Magistrates of Glasgow and Glasgow Commissioners of Police
William Macdonald and Alexander Robertson v. John M'Intosh and Patrick Small